What is the Brewers-Ordinary Guild?
The B.O.G. is a collection of like-minded beasts who delight in fine ales and other quality beverages. Unlike the Most Honourable Brewers Guild, or the Guildhouse of Master Brewers, the B.O.G. is not a professional institution; rather a collection of enthusiastic drinkers (or "Brewers-Ordinary") who care about the craft and quality of their drinks, and are happy to discuss the minutiae of their favourite tipples. Often at utmost length. They campaign to eradicate the scourge of cheaply made hogswash* that has spread across the less discerning drinking establishments these last few decades.What does the Brewers-Ordinary Guild do?
Campaigning for the cause of better brews can take many forms. Those with professional connections** may encourage publicans to purchase only from the most reputable*** brewer. They have even been known to buy local inns, ale houses, taverns and public houses themselves, to ensure only the best beverages are served. Others of a more political persuasion may opt to lobby Barons and Lords to keep the taxes on ales and drinking establishments low; keeping them accessible, for the common folk. Beyond that, some fine folk act to keep their local pubs at the heart of their community, as a gathering place and hub of entertainment (whether that's providing a stage for travelling players or the site of choice for criminal executions!)Membership fees also go to funding various publications (including this very one), organising festivals and hosting awards ceremonies that recognise the very best brewers and beers.
The B.O.G. also stands for improved education about the various styles of drinks available throughout Northymbra. Whilst many beasts will be intimately familiar with the beers or ciders served in their local drinking establishment, they may not be as aware of the different flavours, smells and colours that are available in the next town over, let alone across Northymbra. The B.O.G. believes that by understanding what is, and what is beyond, we can have better, at least when it comes to drinks.
Why become a member the Brewers-Ordinary Guild?
As has been mentioned, the B.O.G. does charge an annual membership fee, supporting the efforts outlined above. Whilst many a gentlebeast will recognise the value in funding the organisation for its own sake, others would understandably seek a more direct return on their investment and wander what other benefits membership may endow.Whilst this humble publication has been made free to all, the Northubryan Beer of the Year guide, Roughpaw's Boozer magazine (published every season) and Gebhard Farsight's "Avian Adventures in Brewing" biannual newspaper are distributed free to members, with many educational resources (publications, not tasting samples unfortunately...) offered at substantial discounts.
For the illiterate beer connoisseur, or those who think themselves to busy to spend time reading (and those too inebriated), B.O.G. membership allows free or reduced entry to many Annual Ale festivals across Northymbra. Many B.O.G. friendly drinking establishments also offer discounts on quality drinks on production of a B.O.G membership card, though don't expect this to always be the case!
Who is the Brewers-Ordinary Guild for?
The B.O.G. is open to all creatures of legal drinking age, regardless of species, class, or creed. Do check with your priest however, to ensure alcoholic beverages are not against your religion; no refunds will be given to those to join "by mistake".Whilst technically, anyone may join the B.O.G., it really is intended for those who are serious about their beer, rather than beasts merely looking for a cheaper drink.
Though there is no guarantee that membership of the B.O.G. will be rewarded with superior service or prices, some tavern- and inn-keeps do look upon our members as a higher standard of patron, so preferably only those would would upkeep these ideals should join. Despite my personal feelings on this matter, the B.O.G. has asked me to reiterate that it is open to all...
Your faithful servant,
Madam E.d.A-M
*One does not intend any affront to creatures of Porcine lineage!
**Either to the brewing community, or the criminal underworld...
*** See previous foot-note.